Osbisy Help Centre

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How to Reset Your Password

If you forgot your password, follow these steps to reset it:

  1. 1. Visit the Reset your password page.
  2. 2. Enter the email address or username that’s on file with your Osbisy account.
  3. 3. Click Reset Password.
  4. 4. You’ll receive an email containing a link to reset your password. In your email inbox, look for an email from Osbisy with the subject Reset your password.
  5. 5. Click Reset your password in the email.
  6. 6. Enter your new password and confirm your new password. Learn how to create a secure password.
  7. 7. Click Set Password.

You’ll receive an email from Osbisy confirming the change.

Common issues you might have when resetting your password

You haven't received the email to reset your password

If you can’t find the password reset email:

  1. Check if the email is in your spam/junk mail folder.
  2. – If you’re using Gmail, also check your Social and Promotions tabs.
  3. – Then try to reset your password again.

You reset your password and still can't access your account

If you still can’t sign into your account after resetting your password, make sure that you:

  1. Use the most recent reset password email. Delete all the password emails and try resetting your password once one more.
  2. – Use the correct email address when signing in.
  3. – Send the password reset email to the correct email address.
  4. – Disable any auto-fill options within your browser or on Osbisy. The saved information could be outdated.
  5. – Enable cookies for Osbisy in your browser settings.
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